
Business Continuity

Business continuity is the advance planning and preparation undertaken to ensure that an organization will have the capability to operate its critical business functions during emergency events. Events can include natural disasters, a business crisis, pandemic, workplace violence, or any event that results in a disruption of your business operation. It is important to remember that you should plan and prepare not only for events that will stop functions completely but for those that also have the potential to adversely impact services or functions.

Program Administration
Post having a clear understanding of what is critical to your organization, you should perform a Business Impact Analysis & Threat Risk Assessment to guide you.
Crisis Management
Crisis Management refers to a specific plan that details how organizations can manage a crisis by creating a Crisis Management Team to manage the situation.
Business Recovery
The purpose of  business recovery planning is to ensure business critical processes can be recovered in an event of emergency and business does not get affected.
IT Disaster Recovery
IT recovery planning refers to the development of plans and strategies for the recovery of your technology, including actions that will be necessary to restore critical IT applications and systems.